
Link exchange

Here you can find a list with websites that are linking to SiDiary. Please consider that by clicking these links, you are leaving our web! We've checked the URLs when we were asked to include them with this list but we have no influence about any content changed after this initial check! Please find more information on the disclaimer page.

If you want to set-up a link to SiDiary you can find some descriptions and HTML-snippets on this page.

Here you'll find our top list of internet resources.

Click here to add your own website to this link directory.

Please select a resource category from below:

Diabetes / Kids (3 links)
Diabetes web site (11 links)
Diabetes-/Healthcare products (8 links)
Medical (2 links)
Organizations (5 links)
Private homepage (3 links)
Software web site (10 links)
Other (6 links)

We have 48 links in total, these are 5 of the most recent links:

Flag Kulturwandel, Unternehmenskultur
Experte für Kulturwandel und Prozessmanagement kombiniert Produktivitätssteigerung mit nachhaltiger Verhaltensänderung. Es entsteht eine Unternehmenskultur, in der die Mitarbeiter kontinuierliche Verbesserung nachhaltig und mit Begeisterung leben.

Flag Taimienphi is a website specializing in software review related to computer software, mobile applications as well as enclosed tips. We have a good reputation and reach the largest number of visitors in the mentioned field in Vietnam.

Flag Die Helden der Kindheit auf
Ein Interneträtsel zu den Helden der Kindheit mit Biene Maja, Wickie, Löwenzahn und vielen mehr.

Flag Venta de Computadoras
Venta de Computadoras, Impresoras, Hardware, Telefonía, Software, Tarjetas de Memoria, Tarjetas de Red, Consumibles, Accesorios, Juguetes, Muebles, Electrodomésticos, etc. Todo lo Relacionado con la Tecnología en México

An Organization who also promotes better health through education and awareness

SINOVO on Facebook
Our awards


SiDiary received several top ratings »»»
iPhone Diabetes App Android Diabetes App Windows Phone Diabetes App Diabetes logbook on the PC


SiDiary mobile and at home »»»
List of our supported meters and pumps


SiDiary reads more than 300 devices »»»